400 Bad Request on test image

Is there a reason I would be getting the 400 bad request after setting up the CDN? The test image doesn’t exist but the plugin is activated and linked to my account.

I did a “check” and then things seemed to start working.



Sorry for the delay in my response.

After adding your site to the CDN, it can take a few minutes for it to populate throughout our network. That may have accounted for the initial error and subsequent resolution.

After adding your site wait a few minutes :grinning:

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can you guys please confirm if cdn URL is correct?


1ayquzmbnhysc is the prefix

Looks like the test URL is bad. Should be something like this :


Are you straight-up copy/pasting the url from your plugin’s settings?

no, i found this url here,

please let me know, why it’s generating wrong url

Oh that url is generated based on what you enter in the “Shift8 CDN Prefix” field in the plugin settings. Just put the prefix part in that field and re-save. The test url should regenerate as a result.

To clarify, just put “1ayquzmbnhysc” or whatever it is for your prefix in that field

Hello, Currently i am facing the same problem.

i have re-save everything but still the test URL is not coming as “”//prefix.cdn.shift8web.ca.cdn.shift8web.com/ “”

It is still coming from prefix.shift8web.com/"

Help me to solve it.


Can you post a screenshot of your settings page?
