A section for Shift8 CDN and WordPress integration discussions.
It is nice to be in this comunity and to learn about CDN.
I am using the free CDN service for my web so I want to thank for it.
And I want to report a problem too waiting for help.
I have openend an account in GTmetrix to test my web “gynrep.com” and i saw it does not detecte the CDN. How is it possible? Could it be any mistake in the CDN configuration or in the plugin?
Thanks in advance.
The Universal Gynecocratic Republic
Hi buddy!
I checked your site & it seems you’re using Jetpack CDN.
Am I right?
GTmetrix detect Shift8cdn properly - as I’ve tested b4 for my own site. However, if it didn’t, there’s no problem & it’s not important
The all u need is adding your own/jetpack/shift8cdn hostnames in your GTmetrix account
Hello arash!
Thanks very much for your answer and help.
By the way… Do you know where I can find the hostnames for the jetpack/CDN Shift8cdn?
Perhaps in the setting of the Shift8 pluging or in the dashboard of the page or in my private account from Shift8?
Thanks in advance.
Happy 2 help!
is your Shift8 CDN hostname.
U can find it here: Sift8 CDN Dashboard Pull Zones
CDN URL without “https://”
& 4 Jetpack CDN I think this is what you’re looking for: “wp.com”
For adding theme to GTmetrix Account, put hostnames above here:
and Save Settings!
Hello arash!
Thanks very much for your help but I do not find the window “YSlow CDN Hostnames” in my dashboard from my GTMetrix Account, I can find the other three windows (Default test connection, default browser and Default test region). Perhaps because my GTMatrix is a free account, not the plus.
Anyway it is not important.
Now I have a bigger problem. It is when I open my shift8 CDN pluging and I test it I think it has a problem because I see the message “Error detected: Could not find site in CDN”.
It is worring me because two days ago I checked it and came a massage saying: “If you read this message everything is fine”.
I do not what had happened. I guess it could be because I pressed the bottom “Purge” from “Purge cache” in my dashboard from my shift8CDN account. Or it could be another problem I do not know.
Can you please help me?
Thanks very much!
The feature is in both free and paid plans. Just go to account and scroll to find Analysis Options.
I have the same error but everything’s fine. Don’t worry
Hope Shift8cdn solve it soon.
For Purging Cache I use the shift8cdn.com dashboard (directly) but CDN Settings on wordpress plugin works properly.
I have some kind of problem to upload this plugin for my forum area.
Could someone help me please?
Failed to load plugin: charmap from url https://pn7nf…plugins/charmap/plugin.min.js