Can we use custom CNAME with Shift8 CDN?

I want to setup Shift8 CDN with my own sub domain. Is that possible?

This is definitely something that has been asked before.

If it is just a matter of creating your own subdomain and setting a CNAME record to point to your CDN url then it would be easy.

But we would need to alter our systems to create SSL certificates for every custom subdomain because everything must be SSL.

This is why this feature is taking a while to implement, unfortunately. But we do have plans to implement this!

I see many of the free CDN providers use Let’s Encrypt for automatic SSL. I don’t that will be much harder for implementing this but I don’t know how it works (I don’t know anything)
Sorry if I said something wrong.
Also I wanted to ask another question. When does shift8cdn plans to bring images optimizer? Like automatically converting images into webp, compressing images and stuffs.
Also can we resize our images in shift8cdn
Suppose I have an image of 1200px width and I want to resize and scale it to a width of 720px via CDN. Why because that’ll be automatic and I won’t need to manually resize my existing images.
But I guess that will affect your main server? Since such optimization will take a much big load and utilize more resources of your servers?

I see many of the free CDN providers use Let’s Encrypt for automatic SSL. I don’t that will be much harder for implementing this but I don’t know how it works (I don’t know anything)

You are right - we would use let’s encrypt to dynamically generate SSL certificates. This is only one part of the challenge. We have to be able to dynamically generate and propagate the SSL certificates across all endpoints. The way the system is designed now is we have our endpoints use catch all hostnames (i.e. and dynamically look up the prefix in a ram-persistent database cache.

As soon as you need custom SSL certificates for custom hostnames, the entire design of our infrastructure wouldnt work. We definitely want to do this but it will take some time to plan and execute as we dont want to impact stability or speed. Remember we are still a young CDN provider (only 1.5 years old) :slight_smile:

When does shift8cdn plans to bring images optimizer? Like automatically converting images into webp, compressing images and stuffs.

This is a great question! This is next in line in our feature rollouts as it is something people really want. I would imagine we could have something in place in the next month or two. We have a plan for implementing this but we want to have something that is solid, stable and works very fast. Implementing a feature like this for just one site is relatively trivial, but it has to work with the thousands of users that we currently serve .

Also can we resize our images in shift8cdn
Suppose I have an image of 1200px width and I want to resize and scale it to a width of 720px via CDN. Why because that’ll be automatic and I won’t need to manually resize my existing images.

Another good question! I would consider dynamic (query string based) image resizing as part of the image optimization feature rollout that we are planning. The idea is that we can either detect the device width of the person requesting the image and resize the image so the width is maximum relative to their screen.

Alternatively we can allow query string based image resizing so if you request : , the system will resize the image based on those parameters on the fly.

This is the plan! Again good questions and we will try to roll this feature out soon :slight_smile:


Yes you can.
use cloudflare

Whats cloudflare? Never heard of it.


lol, Cloudflare destroyed!! Shift8 1 - Cloudflare 0

:sunglasses: i’ll see myself out